Quettawaly.com Amazing Online Platform for Quetta
Quettawaly was established with an aim to showcase the positive side of the Quetta along with the other major cities of Baluchistan. Quettawaly focus is to show the inner side of Quetta to all around the world.
This platform was launched by JahaSoft.Pk on 18 November 2018, with an aim to bring the talented people of Quetta together and build something great for community.
Quettawaly is going to be the most amazing platform for entire Quetta, which will help the youngsters to get involved in Technology and do great things with it.
Quettawaly focus is to list on their website every single person with an aim to bring positivity in the society.
I am today writing on Quettawaly, it’s because I love their work and positive steps towards Quetta Society. It’s for sure not any sponsored article that I am writing today, but it’s what I love about the Positive step that is taken by Quettawaly.com