
Facebook is Now Closer into Building Your Virtual Copy

Whenever, it comes to social media platforms to represent yourself, it’s actually who you portray yourself.

Now company like Facebook approaches avatar design for services like their VR avatar system.

The Oculus Avatars have a number of transformations and just today they are now releasing an update that creates more robust facial expression that are pretty much like a human beings.

Still, the biggest problem with Facebook’s avatars is that they’re trapped in its worlds of Oculus  and social VR. In October, I called on Facebook to build a competitor to Snapchat’s wildly popular Bitmoji avatars, and we’re still waiting.

The company calls the update, the “culmination of user feedback and years of research and innovations in machine learning, engineering, and design.”

In a blog post, they say they have discovered the people are simply more willing to interact with the avatars when they look and behave more like humans:

Back in 2016, we made a conscious decision to avoid showing what we didn’t know in order to better represent what we knew with certainty. Since then, we’ve learned a great deal not only about how our hardware canhelpus simulate believable behaviors with higher confidence, but also about how we can use machine learning and well-understood priors to translate subtle signals into great social presence.


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