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Windows 10 is Now On 900 Million Devices |2019|

Recently, Microsoft has acknowledged that more than 900 million devices (Desktop, Laptop, Tab) running on Windows 10 and the technology corporation (Microsoft) was also edging closer to its one billion marks by 2020.

Despite having many problems, Windows 10 users are increasing day by day, with almost 16.7 million devices being added to the pool every month of the year.

Microsoft’s Yusuf Mehdi has confirmed that Windows 10 just hit the 900 Million mark now.

Yusuf Mehdi added:

Windows 10 is on more than 900M devices! Thanks to our customers, We added more new Windows 10 devices in the last 12 months than ever before. From PCs to HoloLens to Xbox to Surface Hub, Windows continues to power innovation—with more to come next week!


In March of this year 2019, The Company claimed to have reached 800 Million devices with Windows 10, In May 2019 Windows 10 soared to 825 Million.

According to Microsoft, They hit the 600 Million anniversaries in November 2018. However, The Company Thanks to Terry Myerson,

Terry Myerson was a Microsoft Employee who oversaw Windows 10 development until early 2018 When Terry Myerson was cut loose by the Microsoft.

Windows 10 operating system had a 48.86% market share in July 2019 and achieved 2.13% points to hit 50.99% in August 2019.

Windows 8 operating system stayed flat at 0.63% while Windows 8.1 lost 0.91 points to 4.20%. Windows 8/8.1 owned a 4.83% market share at the end of last month (August 2019).

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